Localization Fundamentals

Published by pujapsl369 on

Localization is more than just translation of technical documents and web content into multiple languages. It involves considering the cultural, visual, and technological aspects of a demography. It is an essential consideration when it comes to technical communication and digital content solutions. In this article, we will discuss the essential considerations for effective localization projects.

What is Localization?

Localization is the process of adapting content to a specific locale or market. This includes translation of text, images, and multimedia into the language of the target audience. It also involves considering cultural and technological differences to ensure that the content is relevant and effective.

Essential Considerations for Localization Projects

To ensure that your localization project runs smoothly, it is important to consider the following aspects:

  1. Ensure that you have all the files required to work with before starting the translation. This includes GUI files for all the required formats to translate labels, captions, and any GUI element text.
  2. Ensure that you have all the source files, including topic files, multimedia, images, and project files, for localizing a help manual.
  3. Consider localizing even the “secondary” sources or documents relating to the project or referenced in the output.
  4. Identify which deliverables are needed for which tier country or city. For example, tier 1 is US, Canada, and EU; tier 2 is Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, etc.
  5. Identify the specific client needs for these different tiers.
  6. Ensure that you have a client-approved project calendar and a delivery schedule.
  7. Consider the best communication method to transfer the files back and forth and reach the SMEs (Subject Matter Experts).
  8. Consider an effective workflow for review and approval.
  9. Identify your review team and a number of drafts to be reviewed before delivering the final copy.
  10. Identify the best-suited Content Management System (CMS) and ensure versioning.

By considering these aspects in advance and taking necessary steps and precautions in the preparatory phase, you can avoid ending up with bungled projects, unnecessary headaches, and in the worst case, perhaps even a lawsuit since localization delays burdens cost companies.

Effective localization not only involves accurate translation but also considers cultural and technological differences. This helps ensure the content is well-written as well as well-translated. Keep these essential considerations in mind to ensure successful localization projects.